Landscape as a projects


  • A cura di Bas Pedroli, Tessa Goodman
  • Lingua: inglese
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2010
  • Collana: Paesaggio
  • Caratteristiche: formato 15x21, pp. 184
  • Prezzo: € 16.00
  • ISBN: 978 88 96067 51 2

This book results from the answers by individual uniscape members to the questions introduced in a thought-provoking way by Franco Zagari. The focus of the book is the landscape, landscape in a sense of both scientific inspiration and practical involvement, landscape in the sense of the European Landscape Convention.
Since the book discusses practical landscape approaches, it may be as interesting for researchers as for students and professionals, for politicians and landscape managers. The wide palette of visions presented in this book will enrich the discussions within landscape science, and certainly also within the wider community around the European Landscape Convention.