Harmony in Space. Introduction to Chinese Architecture

Paolo Vincenzo Genovese

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2017
  • Collana: Mosaico
  • Caratteristiche: 150x210mm, pp. 292
  • Prezzo: € 20.00
  • ISBN: 978 88 6764 121 5

China is still largely unknown. This book serves as a investigation to Chinese architecture and is concerned with developing, through each chapter from ancient to modern times using a metaphysical perspective, abandoning any Western point of view. Ancient symbols and meanings in Chinese culture are explored in depth- from the traditional architecture and the architecture of the various ethnic minorities to present-day modern buildings. It highlights the fundamental conception of the universe through the introduction of a philological study which thoughtfully translates complex ideograms and their meaning in relation to architecture. This writing demonstrates how this ancient philosophy is applied in traditional architecture. The analysis of the modernity and contemporaneity expresses the distance between the past and the present, where all influences from outside China are adapted to the local culture. Through the metaphysical understanding of the Chinese culture, it is clear that the architecture is greatest expression of this traditional culture. This book is the first of its kind to undertake a metaphysical understanding of the built forms of this ancient civilization.

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