Río Ciudad Monterrey: Space Production, Ecology and Culture

Peter G. Rowe, Roberto Pasini

  • Lingua: inglese / spagnolo
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2019
  • Collana: Mosaico
  • Caratteristiche: Formato (mm): 280x210x15 - Pagine: 192
  • Prezzo: € 30.00
  • ISBN: 9788867641772

This book synthesizes the characterization and design work elaborated in the Río Ciudad interdisciplinary design studio conducted at the CRGS of the Universidad de Monterrey. Directed by Peter G. Rowe with Roberto Pasini and Patricio Ortiz Silva, the study addresses the status of the Santa Catarina River within the urban area of Monterrey, Mexico and the relationship between these two entities. The study envisions flood mitigation alongside of public open space provision, but also with emphasis on improving the civic identity and amenity of the city.