Toilet revolution. We did it! A practical approach to the Eco-Village strategy based on a Multi-Scale Approach

Paolo Vincenzo Genovese

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
  • Collana: Mosaico
  • Caratteristiche: Formato (mm): 170 x240 mm - Pagine: 580
  • Prezzo: € 30.00
  • ISBN: 9788867643196

Nothing is as clearly as it appears. Starting with a practical design for a natural water- recycle system in a village in the mountains of China, among the Miao minority community, this book investigates water-clearing systems and toilets both from a theoretical and practical approach. This book is a systematic, and scientific but very readable investigation of one of the most important topics in human civilization: the toilet. Surprisingly, they exists no literature that extensively and systematically discusses this topic. For this reason, this book aims to fill a serious gap in the scientific debate concerning cleaning water and the history and management of toilets, which represents one of the fundamental topics in human civilization. This analysis proposes a unique and extensive survey of the problematic issues related to the toilet from a historical, theoretical and technical standpoint of this fundamental aspect of human life. This book concludes with an illustration of a practical project that Prof. Paolo Vincenzo Genovese’s team has been working on in a mountainous village in Guizhou Province in China, as a practical example of intervention in a small community.